For anyone trying to call me with, I had an issue pop up with cell service provider and I won’t have access to my normal business number of 503-933-8066 until at least 3-27. In the meantime you can call/text 503-208-6524, but I still only have intermittent service for calls.
Jon Grossart
I got my second vaccination dose!
After much consternation about getting my second dose scheduled, I was finally able to get my second dose at the Oregon Convention Center. I was very pleased with how smooth their whole operation was running, and it took minimal time for me arriving to walking home again. I glad to know that by being vaccinated I can offer all of my clients and even safer location for sessions.
2021-2-23 Update: Fully vaccinated now after my two week waiting period!
I got my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as part of Phase 1a Group 4!
I was very glad to be able to get the first dose of the vaccine today. Now it’s only 4 weeks until I can get my second dose and then another week to reach full vaccination status.
Of course, as the science is still being worked out about protection levels and ability to still pass the virus, full PPE and cleaning protocols will still be effect to keep everyone as safe as possible.
North Star Intregration is open for business again!
Kicking my illness (which was verified to not be COVID-19) took a little longer than expected. But now I’m back to healthy which means I can finally reopen!
There of course has to be some changes to the practice. To follow the temporary rules put in place by the governor, the office needs to be cleaned between each session. For the time being, this will require an altered session schedule until I work out the new timing required. There as also been a fee increase to account for the extra time and supplies. As always, if you were in a series already, the old price will be honored until you finish the series.
Clients will need to answer the standard health questions relating to COVID-19 before every session. I will have forms for people to fill out, so need to print and bring them with you.
Both myself and every client will be wearing face masks during the entire session as well.
The new policies and questions can be seen here: NSI COVID-19 Policies
Again, thanks for all of your patience during this trying time.
All Reopening Supplies Acquired
All of the required supplies to reopen have finally arrived and the entire office has been sanitized. All the legal requirements to reopen can be met now.
Sadly, I also came down with some symptoms this week, so reopening will be delayed until they resolve. Thanks for all of your patience. I’m excited to get back to helping you all out again.
Multnomah County has entered Phase 1 of reopening
Multnomah County has finally entered Phase 1 of reopening today. While this technically means NSI can reopen for business, there is a lot of required PPE and cleaning supplies that are needed in order to reopen. Some of these are hard to obtain right now due to back ordered products and shipping time, so we will be reopening as soon as possible.
COVID-19 Response
Due to Gov. Brown requesting all businesses that can’t practice social distancing close down, I decided to temporarily suspend business effective 3-17. The plan is to follow the four week recommendation and re-evaluate as the situation develops. The virus is just too easy to spread with its potentially long asymptomatic period.
I will still offer consultations and movement sessions at this time, as those can be accomplished with the recommended safe distance. I hope everyone stays safe.
2020-3-23: Gov. Brown put out a Stay Home executive order, so in person sessions are canceled till that’s lifted.
Knowledge is only a rumor until lives in the muscle
I recently came across this wonder quote from the Ansaro tribe of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It was an episode of The OA with the slightly difference translation of “body” rather than “muscle” (I’ve also seen “bone” used).
It’s such a wonderful explanation for how Rolfing works as well. There is plenty to intellectually know about the work, but it’s the embodiment of it that makes it permanent and available on a daily basis. It also explains why the movement work aspect of Rolfing is so powerful and important. Learning to exist differently in your body allows the information experienced in the sessions to become an inherent knowledge for you that is always there to be used from then on. Without that integration, it’s just too easy to slip back into old patterns which sets us up to experience the same problems again later.
I’m now an Advanced Certified Rolfer™
I just wanted to put out a practice update – I’ve now finished my Advanced Rolfing Training!! It was a great learning experience overall and I’m even more ready to help people now.
Link found between brain and lymphatic system
It always excites me when something new is found in anatomy. This time, they found evidence of a direct connection between the brain the lymph system, which was thought to not exist. It makes sense for it to exist, since the brain had to off-load its waste products somehow.
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