Month: April 2007

North Star Integration moves to its new home

North Star Integration has opened its doors at our new location in downtown Portland. Feel free to come on down and check out the new space. We are located in the Stevens Building at:

812 SW Washington St., Ste 1015
Portland, OR 97205

Posted by Jon Grossart in Local, North Star Integration, 0 comments

“Vogue” Magazine features Structural Integration

“Vogue” magazine has an article on Structural Integration in its March 2007 issue. It should also be noted that the practitioner in the article is NOT a Certified Rolfer. He attended the Guild for Structural Integration, which is the first school to break away from the original Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (RISI). Only practitioners that attended the RISI can be called “Rolfers” (and usually use the term “Certified Rolfer”).

Rolfing® is a form of structural integration, but not all structural integration is Rolfing.

UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that The GSI was not the first school to breakaway “per se”.  The Soma Institute and Hellerwork started earlier than the GSI.  However, the Guild was the first school (to my knowledge) to “break away” due to, shall we say, disagreement over the future of the Rolf Institute.  Ah politics.

Posted by Jon Grossart in Rolfing® Structural Integration, 0 comments

Now serving Portland!

North Star Integration is excited to be serving Portland, Oregon for it wellness needs. We currently offer Rolfing® Structural Integration by Jon Grossart, Certified Rolfer (OR LMT #13752). Please give us a call if you have any questions.

Posted by Jon Grossart in Local, North Star Integration, Rolfing® Structural Integration, 0 comments